Discover the Athenian Acropolis 

 Wonder in a world wonder 

Visiting the Acropolis of Athens - suggested links to relevant official pages  

Facts about the Acropolis of Athens - an overview with key dates and historical names

Piecing together the scenes and sequences of the sculptures of the Parthenon and other Acropolis buildings 

Beyond matter: from the design to the meaning of the sculptures of the Acropolis and the Parthenon

A modern adventure: looking closer at the history of the Acropolis from the 19th century on

Time machine: Selected material about the Acropolis in time

Managing the Acropolis and its sculptures as a cultural resource: the Acropolis as a case study of archaeological site management and museum practices

Selected articles for research or leisure 

Selected book titles

Selected flims and videos

A contest of gods, the mark of a trident, an olive tree; Poseidon, Athena; the name of a city 

Suggested local itineraries for a run or a walk around the Acropolis

A special tribute to plants and animals in the Acropolis area


Everything about the local food from the ancient times to date

A monument of unity

UNESCO sees it as the symbol of World Heritage. The world calls it the Athenian Acropolis.

The Acropolis of Athens is a truly amazing monument. It is a unique archaeological site, the centrepiece of classical antiquity, the icon of ancient Greek history, the symbol of democracy and ideals that shaped the world as we know it today. It is a World Heritage Site and a European Heritage Site. It stands in the heart of the oldest city of Europe as a timeless reference witnessing the passage of inhabitants and travellers. It is a reflection of human values, a discovery portal with layers across science, philosophy, architecture, politics, literature, art, music, theatre. It is a projection of human thought, a reminder of our perspective through human nature. It stands for participation and dialogue, freedom of speech, equality, rights, and ethics. It is a symbol of civilisation, the struggle in each person and all of us together to achieve higher. It is a meeting point for future generations to evolve in unity.

Multiple paths to follow


years of history of the Acropolis of Athens


major archaeological remains within the Acropolis site


years to create the Acropolis altogether


years to complete the Parthenon


two architects + one artistic director to create the Parthenon

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